a triad

a triada triad
  1. The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom .


  2. A triad double agent had worked his way


  3. The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom .


  4. This paper investigate rumor spreading on a triad scale-free network with power law degree distribution and tunable clustering .


  5. So think of this as a triad of love , co-creation and balance .


  6. For each entity , there is a triad of associated elements : events , states , and lifecycle .


  7. But your being a triad boss .


  8. Secondly , in the comparative analysis based on relational database of existing after the characteristics , Presents a triad database of storage ways and actual use data to make the inference .


  9. She then told him that a triad from the Black Miao tribe had come to the inn , looking for a place to stay .


  10. In this paper , the two kinds of near-field effect in radio frequency simulation : the near-field for single antenna and the near-field for a triad of antennas are described .


  11. The men were rumored to be members of a Triad - a network of Chinese crime organizations , much like a Chinese mafia - seeking a " disturbance fee . " 3 .


  12. This Phoenician city , where a triad of deities was worshipped , was known as Heliopolis during the Hellenistic period .


  13. The city , where a triad of deities was worshipped , was originally founded by the Phoenicians . But its golden age began after Julius Caesar made it a Roman colony .


  14. On the basis of the position relationship between SR and sarcolemmal system , the skeletal couplings can be classified as follows . 1.The coupling between the terminal cisternae and the transverse tubules such as a triad .


  15. Diagnosis is based on a clinical triad .


  16. Yes , the US maintains a nuclear triad .


  17. It is set this way so that a spread-out triad ( with the3rd an octave up ) will fit the existing range .


  18. A clinical triad of urethritis , conjunctivitis , and arthritis of unknown etiology constitutes Reiter 's syndrome , which has the most features suggestive of an infectious origin .


  19. Fine Mapping Study on Disease Locus in a Follicular Occlusion Triad Pedigree


  20. He does not even know what a " nuclear triad " is for goodness sake .


  21. A symmetric resonant triad theoretical model was proposed to describe the turbulent coherent structures in the near wall region of a turbulent boundary layer . Based on this model , the Reynolds stresses were calculated , their production rates , dissipation rates and transport were evaluated .


  22. Hidradenitis suppurativa , Dowling - Degos and multiple epidermal cysts : A new follicular occlusion triad


  23. The 2002 Hong Kong movie " Infernal Affairs , " a gripping tale about a triad member who infiltrates the police , was remade in Hollywood as " The Departed , " which won four Oscars , including one for best adapted screenplay .


  24. A group or set of three ; a triad . Teams often join two or three players together , forming double or triple blocks , referred to as multiple blocks .


  25. In ARM a basic unit of the domain-specific knowledge representation is characterized by a triad ( P , β, LTV ) in which P is a fuzzy assertion ;
